Light Language often communicates in a conceptual way. It tends to paint a broad picture, figuratively speaking, with interconnected messages and information as part of a shared larger meaning.
This runs somewhat contrary to the logic of the linear mind, which tends to expect A + B = C. Instead, the messages coming into its awareness are a little more like, “Consider B as a window to what can become C when your heart resonates in all the letters of the alphabet, which we’ve currently agreed begins at A — yet whose letters can be arranged in countless ways”.
While even that analogy is incomplete, it’s one that illustrates just how vast and dynamic the scope of the communication is.
When a particular transmission is working with your body and field, your areas of sensory and extra-sensory perception respond, and their feedback can guide you to what the Light Language is saying. All that’s required is being open to notice it.
I’ve written before about looking for mental-psychic cues and signals in the physical body that can be message pointers. In my experience, our Higher Self likes to use their feedback as jumping-off points for interacting with the broader meaning of the transmission. They are OF the meaning, but they are not THE meaning. Each part of the feedback brings in a dimension or “layer” of the broader message.

How to gather meaning from the feedback
One of the keys for getting meaning from it all is to give yourself space for abstraction around the ideas and concepts in these layers. How you — and even collective humanity — relate to them is what points to the messages in the Light Language. Exploring them lets you start connecting more deeply into the meaning.
For example, if your knee noticeably “buzzes” or tingles as you engage with a Light Language transmission, that’s a signal to take note of that area and explore. The meaning can expand almost indefinitely:
- Is there a flexibility or movement to the meaning, whether literally or more figuratively speaking?
- A “knee bent in reverence”?
- Some discomfort or a reference to a strong tie or connection (=is the transmission communicating about a “joint”)?
- Are there known knee issues physically, whether yours, those of someone you love, or those of the client for whom you’re doing the transmission?
- Which side of the body is it? And maybe even more importantly, how do you personally relate to that side of the body and that particular leg?
- Is there a funny story with the knee or leg? An inside joke? A story that could even be more traumatic in nature? Something you read or heard recently about that part of the body?
These aspects and more can all come into play. Expanding from the initial point of the information is how you begin to bring in more of their meaning.
Same thing if you see a knee in your psychic vision or if one suddenly comes to mind (both of those happen for me a lot). Expand on the symbol and begin to put some context around it, in a neutral, calm, and gentle way. Allow it to evolve and grow. No need to force it; no need to start racking the brain. That can interrupt the flow. Just Be with it.
If there’s no context for it in the moment that it occurs, the very experience of it is what counts. In this case, the knee had something to say to you (or your client) and you received it. That’s what matters — and it’s enough.
The concepts, abstractions, and symbology are all par for the course as you begin to connect more consciously to Light Language and understand more of its meaning. They can be something as simple as a perceived object or tool, a color or tone, a person or pet, a natural element or environment, or as wild as the flash of an anthropomorphic being riding on a magnetic cloud across the cosmos of another dimension. There are absolutely no limits.
Keep open to the experience
Whatever they may be, let the messages come and blend together in ways that have meaning to you. They may not mean the same thing to you as they do to someone else (which is completely, 100 percent fine). Similar cues can also vary in what they mean from transmission to transmission or change in meaning over time. A lot of it comes down to how your own mind and system work and how your Higher Self goes about communicating with you.
Reading about animal and spirit totems and the clairsenses can also be helpful for getting a mental framework around some of the more common symbols and ways of relating to conceptual messaging.
In addition, I’ve found that oddities can appear that you would never expect. Some of them you might only get once and then never experience again — or maybe not see again until much later and then in a completely different setting. Conversely, they can show up more and more often and begin to hold a special meaning for you.