I’m honored to recommend below some of the best training I’m currently aware of for Light Language and personal energy healing.
* Please note: The links used below and on this page are paid (affiliate) links, so I’ll make a commission if you choose to sign up for any of the classes. I’ve taken these classes myself, am personally associated with the instructor, and have served as an assistant in them for many years now. I recommend this training because I have benefited from it greatly.

Learn to channel and start interpreting Light Language
Light Language Foundations is a live, online course led by premier Light Language channel and ascension teacher, Jamye Price. In it you’ll learn the four main forms of Light Language: speaking, singing, signing and writing. And you’ll explore them through…
- Background and guidance on each form
- Activations to open and expand your channel
- Practice with each of the four forms
- The basics of translating
- Opportunities to ask questions and get feedback throughout
This type of training is such a powerful experience. It allows you to access what is already part of your being, a level of conceptual communication that we each inherently possess, one that’s ready to reveal itself and grow to become part of our conscious reality if we choose.
This is actually the way that I learned, through class guidance and experience. I was drawn naturally to Light Language the first time I ever heard it in spoken form, but I was not one who had channeled it naturally from a young age or through spontaneous experience as some do. Little did I know that I indeed was a natural channel, just as we all are capable of being, if we have the intent for it and an open heart. I had only to begin taking steps to put that intent in motion.
If you’re feeling called to a deeper relationship with Light Language, I invite you to join the course and expand your relationship with this beautiful expression in a supportive environment. Learn more about Light Language Foundations on Jamye’s site where you’ll find lots of information as well as the dates and times for upcoming classes. An additional “Accelerator” advanced course is also available if you’re a practitioner or if you’d like to build more confidence in using Light Language in specific healing settings.
* Same as before, the links used in the information below and on this page are paid (affiliate) links, so I’ll make a commission if you choose to sign up for any of the classes.

Learn a healing template that you can combine with Light Language
Crystalline Soul Healing® is new-paradigm modality created by Jamye Price: an alchemical Template (Lyran in origin) that lovingly reprograms DNA on the subtle/energetic level for profound healing. It can be used on its own or in combination with other energy healing modalities, such as Light Language.
The Template is a vast healing matrix that releases and activates layers of information under the guidance of the Higher Self. It supports multidimensional change and empowered transformation, reaching deep to heal patterns, misinformation, and trauma that inhibit your natural, loving communication of Life. It also teaches the healer the subtle-realm laws that create healing.
It’s truly amazing to see how much can occur when your energy field is initiated into this Template. I continue to feel its effects and learn so much from working with it, both on myself and in sessions with clients.
If you’re ready to enhance your personal healing or your work with others on deep levels, this is the way to do it. I invite you to learn more about Crystalline Soul Healing® on Jamye’s site where you’ll find information along with dates and times for upcoming classes.