Common questions about Light Language Healing
Q: What is Light Language?
A: Light Language is a heart-based, conceptual form of communication that comes from God/Source/The Universe and interacts with you at a quantum level. It bypasses the analytical mind and logic centers of the brain that we’re accustomed to using and speaks directly to your body. This means that it is able to effect profound change in your life experience, particularly when combined with a healing intention. (Read more in the About Light Language section.)
Q: How is Light Language different from languages that I have learned to speak such as English, French or Spanish?
A: These languages all involve sounds forming words that humans have agreed upon to mean certain things. They all come from the intellect and are governed by the mind. Often, enlightened states can be expressed to some degree through these languages as well as through other media including art and music. In fact, many people channel in English (or their native language) instead of Light Language. In these cases, the channeling derives from the higher realms but is expressed in a way that your brain already knows based on life experience, which has an inherent limit. This stems from the way we have agreed to use spoken language, the words in a particular language (consider languages that have multiple words for the types of snow while English only has one), how the words and phrases came to be, where they originate, how they function and change, as well as the events that have comprised your own life and what you as an individual associate with your language when speaking. An easy example: Have you ever had a feeling come to you and then spent several seconds searching for a word to express it? Did you perhaps choose a word or phrase eventually that did not fully convey what you felt but was the best you could find at the moment to describe it? This phenomenon illustrates the limitation of intellectual language. We have ideas, concepts and feelings that are broader than the intellectual mind can process in order to express as language. Light Language is not known by or experienced in the mind. It is a language of the heart that, when expressed, is recognized by and experienced in your physical and spiritual bodies.
Q: So does Light Language have words and sounds I can study and learn to say or recite?
A: No. Light Language does not have form or structure that can be assimilated by the brain. It is not something that you can sit down and learn intellectually with a vocabulary workbook or set of videos that teach practice phrases. There is no grammar book or “Light Language dictionary” for you to reference. One group of sounds does not correspond to a set meaning as we are accustomed to with languages like English, French, Italian, Greek, Farsi, or even those that to western ears seem more elusive and exotic such as Sanskrit. Light Language originates in the formless, is accessed and allowed to flow by an open Channel (which we ALL can be), and takes form through the voice or movements of the body, among other ways. It is flexible, free-flowing, and has layers and layers of meaning.
Q: What kind of healing intention should I have when receiving a transmission?
A: Your intention can be as broad or specific as you would like. If you have a physical ailment, you might set a healing intention for the ailment and/or parts of the body that it is affecting. If you’ve been experiencing an emotional upset, such as difficulty at work or in a social situation, you might set an intention for peace in that area of your life. If you’re grieving from loss, such as the loss of a loved one or end of a relationship, you might set an intention for loving release of that individual or moving forward into new areas of your life. Your intention can also be based on anything you’re currently experiencing in your life that you wish to change or expand. If you don’t have a specific area or issue to focus on, you might choose an intention of overall wellness, new opportunities, courage to embrace the unknown, increased awareness of your spirit guides and angels, or guidance for living an enlightened life. Whatever intention you choose, the Light Language will always be directed by your Higher Self for your highest good. You can’t “mess it up” or choose something that won’t be helpful. Any intention you choose will support you on a path of healing.
Q: Does Light Language work with groups?
A: Yes. The process of exchange is the same whether for an individual or for a group. For example, in my work I serve as a Channel for the Language of Light and each group member is Healer as they experience the Light Language transmission (read more about the exchange process). If you choose to have a spouse/partner, sibling, child, friend or group of friends participate with you in Light Language healing, the experience is just as beneficial to you as receiving a transmission on your own or having an individual session. It is simply a matter of preference. Each person will have his/her own unique experience as I channel the Language of Light on everyone’s behalf. The healing intention can be a shared one agreed upon by the group, or each member can choose to set his/her own specific intention instead. Either way, the Language of Light will speak to you individually, for your own highest healing. You might find that you and a neighbor have some similar or related experiences during the transmission, but it is more likely that your experiences will be quite different. One aspect of group transmissions that can be fun is that group members can share their impressions with one another afterward and discuss the varieties of what they experienced.
Q: What do I need to do before my session?
A: Nothing is required. A good night’s sleep beforehand and good nutrition the day of are helpful but not necessary. Your Higher Self will always guide you during the transmission to experience what is for your greatest good at that particular moment and juncture of your life, whether you’ve recently been calm or stressed, happy or sad, eating wholesome food or eating junk (lol). The beauty of Light Language is that it always works to your greatest good for exactly where you are. My personal recommendation is not to eat large amounts of heavy food immediately prior to your session, nor to have your session right in the middle of a busy workday as your body will want to relax and be calm for awhile afterward. Hydration is also important. You may wish to have an extra couple of glasses of water in the hours prior to your session. You will most definitely want to have extra water afterward, which I will remind you of at the end of your session.
Q: How is the work you do with Crystalline Soul Healing® different from Light Language?
A: The two are different energy modalities. I sometimes combine them when working with people in personal sessions. Read more on this sub-page with additional FAQs.
Q: Do you do intuitive readings?
A: No, not specifically. As I work with channeling the Language of Light, it broadens my extra-sensory awareness (as will it begin to broaden yours in experiencing it.), so to some degree I have an increased sense of intuitive knowing. It varies, however, depending on many factors. I may share information and impressions with you if any come through to me, but this would be from a broad viewpoint and does not take the form of an intuitive or psychic reading. If you would like to experience an intuitive reading, I am fortunate to know gifted individuals who work in that area and would be happy to refer you to one of them.