Q: Can you explain why some light language transmissions are only five minutes long and some an hour? Are the longer videos more powerful?
Essentially, the flow of Light Language differs for each channel, i.e. each person doing the channeling, and it can also vary transmission by transmission even for the same channel.
The result is an overall flexible length of transmission, depending on its nature, the information it contains, the form it’s taking — such as speaking, singing, movements, etc. — and what the particular channel senses and experiences. I personally believe that the broader energies of our collective/connected human experience also factor in, such as those of our planet, solar system, galaxy, etc. Each piece of the “mix” has its own effects on the way the transmission comes through.
In my experience, longer transmissions aren’t necessarily more powerful than shorter ones. Any transmission activates the field and effects change based on your intention when interacting with it. That’s truly the key to it and the heart of it.
The length of the transmission is a little more like an “expression” of the transmission than an operator for it. The length doesn’t define or restrict it in any way. It simply allows it a space to Be, one among many others that will continue across what we call time. The transmission is ultimately not in 3D at all and uses multiple avenues to interact with us both before and after it occurs.

Length can set the stage for more experience but does not affect the quality of the transmission, nor the level of healing it offers.
Sometimes a longer transmission can give you more time to get in tune with it body-wise. Said another way, it can mean more time to relax and start tuning in to the experience with your human self. A particular channel may be guided to do a longer transmission because of this and a higher knowing that those drawn to it will need the support body-wise (the knowing in this case is often unconscious). But the power of the transmission is always in the activation that the Light Language brings into your field and translates into your life. That power isn’t limited by time, space, or anything else.
As an example, if a video is only 30 seconds long, your system still recognizes the Light Language instantly (i.e. in the Moment of Now) and your Higher Self guides your life experience to begin reflecting it. The reflection is more where the time aspect factors in. One’s life experience can reflect the transmission slowly or quickly, in consistent steps or sporadically, and/or with an impact that feels profound or, alternatively, very subtle. That timing and the way it plays out to you consciously is between you and your Higher Self 🙂
Some Light Language channels may regularly do longer transmissions (or shorter ones) because it’s what feels right to them. For me, it’s simply a different length each time. The channeling process guides me in that. I set the intention for the transmission and then release it, that it Be So.
As you’re channeling, you may get certain signs that a transmission is coming to a close. It may be that the physical body gives clues, such as the arms moving a certain way (or ceasing to move if already in motion), your feeling the urge to sit down if standing, the eyes beginning to close (or open), or other noticeable cues. You may have feelings or emotions coming up at closing time to guide you, such as feeling gratitude, reverence, or a sense of satisfaction. There may be no cue at all. You may simply know that it’s complete.
There’s no right or wrong way to allow the transmission to close. I tend to notice that my voice gets softer, sometimes becoming only a mumble for the last several seconds. My voice and body become still without my taking an active part in stilling them. It all simply stops. That’s the way my system usually responds, even if not every time.
Allowing whatever length the transmission may be is, in my experience, part of the release into the intention and the healing process. Each person channeling Light Language has their own approach and relationship with it, so not everyone will feel exactly the same or explain it the same way as I have here. It’s also fun to watch how the channeling process can continue to develop and change over time.