This transmission is unusual in that my Light Team shared only two words with me about it. Those words: “Solar Light”
Light Language Keynote #10
Experiencing the Light Language, I had a visual of water — a very large body of water like an ocean. It seemed warm, with gentle waves.
The idea of the visual was how you can bask in the sunshine while swimming in the ocean, moving gracefully through the waves, reflections of light, and ripples on the surface of the water. Motion and flow amid solar sparkles.
Listening to the transmission afterward, they showed me a mermaid…and it took me a moment to get what that was about (at first I was like, “Why am I seeing Ariel from the animated movie?”). I soon realized that this visual speaks to an avatar that can interact with two worlds, air and water. Solar energy reaches them both.
The transmission carries a FLOW of solar light, and the message to us is that our multi-dimensional self can interact and thrive with it across more than one realm, just as avatars do.
A related transmission and post are interesting, too, in that they delve further into the concept of solar Light as an agent of growth.