Light Language Keynote #41
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen we think of new plant growth, we often think of a seed that sprouts and becomes a seedling. This transmission is interesting in that it wants us to focus not on the seed’s initial stages but on the growth that takes place LATER, i.e. after the “seedling” has already stuck its head through the ground and reached a few inches’ height.
I was seeing it almost like a gardener — or even just a person — holding a young plant in his/her hands, soil and all. It was as though that person cared very much for the plant and stood ready to place it in or move it to a particular location.
That’s where the “nurturing” comes into the title.
It’s time for us to recognize the huge growth we’ve already undergone (think about what a seed undergoes in sprouting and pushing its way upward in the freaking DARK!) and to give ourselves great care and nurturing in order to ensure growth on new levels.
Said another way, it’s time for the next stages of growth that are going let these flowers blossom and shine!
If you’re reading this, you have more than likely been on the spiritual path for some time, in whatever way that may be manifesting for you. It is very important to recognize that: You have done, and are continuing to do, great work. And, arguably, you’ve done some of the hardest work already, in that you’ve worked through the dark to come into a place where you can more readily receive nourishment from the Light.
How Source Energy Nourishes us: Channeling Light into the subtle bodies
The “growth”, the plant aspect of the symbology that I was shown, has to do with our growth in recognizing and strengthening our connection to Source.

I was seeing this related to the pineal and pituitary glands and how they work together as we increase the opening of our crown chakras, allowing their function to be expanded as we receive more Light. We’re approaching a certain level of maturity, and thus youth (consider the ever-changing stages of growth) with our connection, which is getting us ready to realize (=make real) more of our inborn potential. So now we’re nurturing it to allow the growth.
The Light Language was showing me the flow that happens as Source/God energy begins to differentiate and go through a process to interact with us.
Shortly after the toning section at the beginning of the transmission, I got a flash of the glands mentioned above, a sort of Eye of Ra cross-section of the brain, and it felt like energy was being brought or funneled into the head and crown area. I was feeling into the way that Source energy goes about interacting with our more individual self, meaning, the subtle energy bodies and physical body that we each think of as our own. This occurs when we channel energy with a specific intent, and/or it happens anytime we commune with the Light of Love/God/Source, even when we’re not aware of it (my personal belief is that it happens in some form at almost all times). The Light Language was showing me the flow taking place as Source/God energy begins to differentiate and interact with us, allowing us to use it in creating our own experience and reality.
The process is interesting in that I was seeing it as a flow of colors. There were spirals that reminded me of the DNA helix, although they were not exactly the same thing and perhaps closer to an expanded aspect of 12-strand DNA, and along them were colored circles or orbs lined up and following the path of the spiral. (I did my best to create an approximation of it in the graphic at right.)
Spirit was showing me through this that there’s a kind of machine aspect to how the Light steps down. We can think of it as a function or process: something that’s been designed and implemented with intent. The colors were illustrating how the Light is already differentiated as it comes into our systems, and I was seeing the process by which It rearranges Itself into a spiral to interact with us (i.e. based on color frequency). It reminded me of fiber optic technology in some ways, although this is a much more self-aware and self-organizing system by comparison.
Our true power and beauty – Daffodil Flower Totem
There’s also Daffodil energy present with the transmission, as I received that totem immediately beforehand. I almost always have to look up totems (and this one was no exception), and I was quite amazed to learn that it is about linking the lower and higher parts of our mind as well as facilitating contact with the higher parts of our soul. Reading the details of the totem, it’s right in line with growth, growth, growth — not to mention the fact that having a creative outlet for sexual energies and desires sounds pretty great, too!
From Ted Andrews’ Nature-Speak:
Daffodil reminds us to “focus on inner beauty” and “finding a creative outlet for energies”. (paraphrased)
“Daffodil can awaken inspiration and creativity. It alerts us to a need for clear self-exploration and for the balance of sexual energies — a quieting of desires and the importance of a creative outlet for them.
“The presence of daffodil will help us link the subconscious and the superconscious mind (higher self). It reminds us that our true power and innate beauty manifests more strongly through surrender to the Divine. It opens deeper forms of meditation. Daffodil reminds us to maintain clarity of thought and vitality of the body. It facilitates true contact with the higher aspects of the soul.”