The past few days I had a song stuck in my head.
When a song or phrase comes to mind unexpectedly, I often find it can be a type of message or communication from Spirit. But my experience in this case was very different.
Parts of the song kept playing and repeating, almost like they were on loop or an obsessive psychological phenomenon. I kept thinking, “What *is* this?!” It was not simply my having heard a fun, new song in my workout track, which is what happened, and then remembering or humming it several times afterward. This was much more. As time went on, I began to realize I was experiencing a form of vibrational interference (the music was a newer pop song that had been widely distributed and monetized). I was wrapped up firsthand in the hooks of *catchy* manufactured music.
First off, noticing interference does not mean that something is wrong with you or that you’ve messed up. In fact, being able to notice it is a powerful step of discernment and part of building your personal sovereignty.
Collective humanity is undergoing enormous change to release heavy, heavy baggage and claim the realm of personal sovereignty. Even with the best personal care, situations like what I’ve mentioned and responses to contrived energy patterns are par for the course when groups of beings share in a physical reality. That shared reality is going to have effects on our individual experiences no matter what we do. No amount of black tourmaline can block all of the “outside” influence that has been crafted into pop culture! (Quotes since it’s truly both outside AND inside.) So it’s really important to go easy on ourselves.
In my case, I found that the hook — that’s how I’ll refer to the song from here on out — was tapping into a need in my emotional body. It was trying to stimulate a part of me that felt emotionally needy or hungry (and thus primed for engagement). Think of grabbing a box of crappy, processed snacks for a quick fix when boredom or melancholy sets in…or diving into racy movies or porn (lol!) when yet another Saturday night at home alone rolls around. These activities are not bad in and of themselves (and can certainly be fun for an occasional diversion), but in my experience they sometimes correlate to untended places of lack on the personal level, whether known to us or not, and that is where the hooks and the problems can kick in.
Breaking the cycle
I’ve channeled this Light Language audio transmission with the healing intention Tuning Out Interference since I know the experience I’ve been describing is not unique to me. A written transmission is also below.

One of the key things I was getting from the Light Language is that when we experience interference we can break the cycle by inserting a different course of action compared to usual. And that doesn’t have to be something huge. In the case of emotional eating mentioned above, it’s enough to take a moment to notice the fact that we’re reaching for something that we don’t need to eat. We might make no further change at the time, but the fact that we became aware is a first step. The second step would be to eat something better for us, even if we follow it with something not so great for us. Then the third step would be to eat less of it, or none, etc.
The message I got was that THE CHANGE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT or earth shattering. It could be as simple as pausing to stand up and stretch, enjoying the motions of the body, shaking off some energy from the hands and legs, etc. Most important is to interrupt the cycle with conscious action, if only for a few moments, which blocks the pattern of the interference.
Stay in a loving place and don’t be too hard on yourself if the change doesn’t produce immediate relief. Give it time. This is where trust in intention setting is key. I noticed quickly that the hook softened, but for it to fade and go away took longer.
A great way to start is with the written transmission. Take a few moments to gaze at it softly, holding your hands over the screen afterward if you like and closing your eyes to notice any sensations in the body or other impressions. Then feel free to follow with the audio transmission as you feel called.