This Keynote transmission carries information to us on the fractal aspect of creation.
It’s interesting that the realm of creation has been coming up repeatedly in the Keynote transmissions, even though I channel each one with a completely open intention (i.e. no focus on creation or any specific topic as I allow the Light Language). It seems the Universe has much to share with us on its/our creative aspects and broadening our understanding of and access to them.
Light Language Keynote #44
As the transmission was beginning, I received visions of fractal growth patterns and elemental dragon energy in connection with them as they spun and moved. It was a little bit like looking down on the DNA spiral and seeing it branch out in fierce, interconnected fractals.
The Light Team and my higher self shared a message providing information on the Light Language. I did not get clear information as to “who” spoke when but can discern that the overall feel is more of a collective or group energy.
Words from the Light Team and my higher self:
“When it comes, it comes. All appears, begins, spins, moves forward to its place, working itself into alignment of maximum potential.
“Creation occurs on multiple levels at once. Their interconnection contributes to the motion that carries out their intent. We are part of all of it. Our joining establishes both the beginning and the end point.
“A book you read from beginning to end. As you read, it takes you to many different worlds, so to speak. But who wrote the book? Did they have a definite stop and start? Their thoughts, their creation, was ongoing. Only the document of it has the finite stop and start to which you have become accustomed. Within it, [the creation] lives as you access it. You make adjustments as you go along for your creation. This takes place whether you are an author in this example or a reader experiencing the creation. Your “words” may be static to the eye; on a mental level they may seem static. But they create through where they lead you, in your reaction, and the vision that they give you to a place that doesn’t yet exist [until you take part, which is itself a new point of creation].
“You may bring forth now a creation of your entire being, meaning, creation throughout your entire being, throughout the [various] realms of its dominion-operation. You have reached an alignment, a stage where your interdimensional creativity is accessible to you on a more conscious level.
“Allow yourself the opportunity to fraternize with these interconnected parts of yourself.”
Time to fraternize with the interdimensional nature of our being — and that’s the word that they gave me, fraternize. I was surprised in receiving it. I believe there’s a key message about associating as “brothers” or family, i.e. in brotherhood, with these beloved and interconnectedly creative parts of Being.