In lieu of a formal Keynote, this month’s Light Language is a focused transmission providing support for periods of planetary retrograde.
We’re currently experiencing SIX major planetary bodies in retrograde, continuing throughout the month, according to the research I’ve done. And while I’m no astrology expert, that is several more than the norm, which is having a significant impact our Being. This is true whether we know it or not and regardless of when or where we were born into physical form.
This present need led me to channel on the specific intention instead of the open intention I normally use that creates the Keynote transmissions. Each intention type has wonderful applications, and neither is “better” or “superior” to the other. Light Language communicates on a conceptual level that is never restricted in its potential, even when we attempt to box it in on the mental level with words and classifications.
That being said, this transmission is helpful now as well as ongoingly in periods of future retrograde. Its channeled energies — you may sometimes hear them called encodements or light codes — interact in and through the ever-present moment of Now.
What is a retrograde?
In astronomy, retrograde motion is when an observed planet appears to move backwards in the sky compared to other planets in the system. The backward motion is only an optical illusion. It happens because of the position of the planet relative to the earth and sun at that time, both planets in solar orbit and constant motion.
Astrology often views planets in retrograde as being a bad thing or challenge, but they do not have to be. It has more to do with ongoing changes in the alignment of a particular energy (=a planet) and how that energy expresses in our life experience. In music, for example, a certain tone can at first come across as odd or displeasing, but as the piece goes on it can become beautiful, even a defining part of a chord or melody. Whether its vibration is jarring or pleasing is simply a matter of perspective.
Enjoy the transmission!