Main themes – Light Language Keynote #48:
- Guidance for blessing our actions — an active application of gratitude (expands beyond merely “counting our blessings”)
- Seeing the Light we carry as an instrument (I was experiencing a tall, densely branched “evergreen tree”-looking object glowing white, almost like the shape of a round hair brush)
- Processing the electromagnetic waves all around us, i.e. from the earth, from the atmosphere — ultimately deriving from our sun and beyond — in a fun, cheerful way where you feel support all around you. The “digestion” title I received is a way of explaining how our being uses the various levels of electromagnetic energy provided to us by Source.
Having a gratitude practice is a way for us to feel supported.
The Light Team clued me into this truth by the words that they shared (below) about the transmission. They’re bringing our attention to feeling gratitude with our actions. It’s a way that we can become open to receiving support.
We may not feel that our actions are very significant in the grand scheme. Some of them we may not even want to do in the first place or perhaps feel that we have no choice but to do, such as with obligation, which the Light Team mentions. But no matter what, our actions are still us directly affecting the world, forming it, creating our experience. It is the physical manifestation of our Light.
Feeling supported and recognizing the support available to us in every moment is key for a more active role in the creative process of our greater being. This is in comparison to the more passive role we’ve been accustomed to taking in the past deriving from a more limited and rigid mental perspective.
When we consciously give gratitude to our actions, to the situations around them — to our own willingness to participate in them — we change the entire process. We begin to put “us” in it. We love it. We bless it. And it changes the very moment of the action and thus the entire experience. The process becomes exciting for us because of us, because of our engagement. It sets the stage for loving our every creation.
Words to us from the Light Team:
Give thanks each day for what you see and do.
Why “do”?
Guiding your action is your motivation.
Many times you’re inclined to act from instinct, from pattern
Even from obligation
All stemming from something closer to fear.
Acknowledging gratitude for what you do blesses it, expands it
Changes what you’re creating.
It is an active blessing in the moment.
Choose to make gratitude more than simply a platitude. (Cheesy rhyme not intended. But appropriate.)
In the New Age community, we get told to have gratitude. A lot.
And for those like me who did not really have a strong connection to gratitude earlier in life, once we begin to cultivate and feel it on a regular basis it can make a pretty noticeable difference. That’s certainly been the case for me.
Yet, even with this being true, gratitude can easily become a platitude in our spiritual work. We hear it mentioned in various lectures and workshops and think, “Yeah, yeah, yeah — I know I’m supposed to do that. I’m doing it. I’m working to do it more.” We make references to it in conversations and teaching materials. And sometimes it stops there. It becomes a little like one of the words or phrases people would throw around back in Sunday School that all “good” little students should do in order “to love God”. You hear it so much that you start to tune it out. You ignore the profundity of what makes it such a powerful practice to keep BUILDING on.
The message in this transmission is wonderful because it clues us in to some of the “why” behind the gratitude — how it’s actually a part of what shapes our world. It’s a feeling that interacts with the dimensions of Light as they shape our experience. The interaction is where the magic happens — that’s where “we” get involved.
Applying gratitude to action is (I believe) applying a particular frequency of Love that blesses it — blesses any and every action, from brushing your teeth, to driving to the bank, to typing reports for work, to cleaning the kitchen counter. And so on and on and on.
It expands the creative potential of the mundane to make it a beLoved part of your (and our) experience. That’s truly powerful because there is no fundamental experiential difference between engaging in a mundane action versus in one that is mind-blowingly interesting or exciting. The only difference is our perspective on the action (or, to say it another way, our judgment) and the level of awareness with which we engage.
As I was receiving the information on this transmission, I was guided to pay special attention to the partials/harmonics of the tones during the first couple of minutes of the recording. They’re relatively easy to hear compared to those in other parts of the transmission and seem to have a special significance. What I notice is the seventh step of the harmonic series creating a minor seventh against the sound of the underlying A-flats and then the ninth step creating a B-flat that comes across sounding like a suspended second. A similar suspended tone ended the November solar disk transmission, so a crossover of information appears to be at work.