The Language of Light is a heart-based, conceptual form of communication from God/Source.
It bypasses the logic centers of the brain that we’re accustomed to using and speaks directly to the heart and your being as well as to the body at a subtle or subatomic/DNA level. This means that it’s able to effect profound change in your life experience, especially when combined with a healing intention.
Another way to think of it is language from God that the heart and spirit understand innately, even though the mind does not.

Part of us is always connected to God/Source. We access it when we pray/meditate or when we take loving actions, for example. This is the part of us that understands the Language of Light.
I often use the term Light Language to refer to vocalized forms, but it also takes other forms such as writing, movement, and gestures. It can occur silently, too, without any physical movement.
The Language of Light in our world
The Language of Light is perceivable throughout our world in sounds, colors, movements, vibrations, and shapes, while at the same time transcending the earth plane. With our interaction it allows us to begin transcending what we currently believe are the boundaries of our earthly forms.
It differs quite markedly from regular language in that it does not take (or have) a word-for-word or object-for-object format that can be logically analyzed.
Anyone who has studied a foreign language knows that part of the “fun” is learning the rules for which words go where, what forms they take, which grammar rules apply in which instances, and ultimately when to break the rules as more and more fluency is achieved. Light Language is not assembled or processed with the mind in this way. It is accessed with an open heart and allowed to flow based on our intent and under the guidance of the Higher Self. It is a form of channeling in which you’re allowing Spirit to speak to and through you.
Why I use Light Language
I chose to make Light Language part of my life and my healing modality because of its transformational nature and because I was so drawn to it from the moment I first heard it spoken. I was fascinated with the sounds, and my spirit felt alive with energy and enthusiasm for the experience it was giving me. I quickly felt a need to know more. Soon I learned how to work with it through the assistance and support of great teachers.