One of the main features of this transmission is a significant upper chakra clearing. It is to help unlock access to the right brain and extend the boundaries of our minds, including capacity for increased perception of our environment (more on this below). There are, of course, many other components and layers to the Light Language, which will resonate differently with each individual. Allow your inner intuition to guide you as you experience the transmission.
Light Language Keynote #31
I felt a lot of activity in the third eye and crown areas with this one. They are the places I found that the Light language wants to work with most, particularly in the first several minutes. If your experience differs from mine, then that’s completely perfect. Any guidance or physical sensations you receive are clues as to where the transmission’s energies are working with you and what’s most relevant for you to know or experience.
This transmission wants to take us out of some of the rigid ways that we’ve been looking at ourselves. Specifically, it wants us to start extending the boundaries for what we think of as our environment.
The words that my Light Team shared through me:
The time is now to leap
Leaping, pinging, springing
Up, outward, to the outside
No longer need you stay confined, need you stay trapped, nor bound
Expansion — expansion is where you go
Part of that expansion is reaching out and beyond what we each currently believe constitutes “us”, such as a human body or a perceived mental identity (both apply), to interact more freely with the elements that surround us. We’ve been seeing our surroundings more as something separate. It’s easy for them to seem like a completely separate environment in comparison to our ego and mental body or the confines of a physical body.
A key to the right brain and a larger environment
I got the word deck very early on as I was channeling the transmission, and it correlates to the leaping and expansion mentioned in the Light Team’s channeled words.
I was seeing the deck of a house. With its airy framework, a deck protrudes from the main structure to create more living space (i.e. the space that we think of as our home environment). It acts as a type of bridge into the outside world. This is like our minds and Selves reaching out: it provides a place for communion with our surroundings, nature, and the elements (air element is a big one here). It makes for a way to feel both at home and part of the broader world, simultaneously.
In addition, there’s an energetic key for us in the transmission. I’m getting that its function is about unlocking access to more of the right brain. The key has a way to dial down the logic of the left brain that would otherwise bind us into rigid perceptions of our identity and environment, i.e. that metaphorically speaking we can be no more than a house, that our inner rooms are all that make up our home, that their walls define that space completely, that the house goes no further, etc. Our creative mind (right brain) has no such boundaries and thrives on being given more space and freedom. Adding a “deck” is a type of first step for that.
I found the chakra clearing of this transmission to be a little intense. I encourage you to breathe deeply throughout the Light Language, especially in the beginning section, and to release into the process with Love for the changes that are taking place.