After channeling this transmission, I settled right in to see what messages Spirit would bring and immediately saw the image of a centipede. It was a short flash, providing a quick impression of the nature of the transmission.
Light Language Keynote #40
My Higher Self guided my awareness to the way that the centipede moves and is put together — many sections of body, each with its own set of legs, that are joined to create a form that twists and bends into all kinds of shapes through the interconnected motion.
Then I received the insight:
There’s information for us in this Light Language about the configuration of our energy bodies and the changes that take place in them, as well as how they interact with the physical.
Centipede Totem: Changing the orientation of our bodies
One way we can interpret this configuration is sets of ongoing shifts and waves of growth.
Think of the centipede’s body moving and twisting, constantly reorienting the “parts” of its “whole”. That’s the analogy. We’re being guided to adapt to changes in our orientation with various bodies, both subtle and physical.
The change in orientation means we’re sensing differently.
There’s a constant “shifting” taking place in terms of how things feel to us, whether in a literal or figurative sense — how they come across in our senses, how we relate to our own bodies, how we relate to others. It can show in what we perceive from others (increased psychic perception and connections are part of centipede medicine). Our perception is shifting. If we’re involved with someone physically, it changes, for example, how we relate to going about actions with them on a physical level, whether the involvement be of a sexual nature or simply shared physical interaction of any nature.
It affects the bodies of our world, too: human, animal, plant kingdom, even crystalline and etheric structures, and ultimately Gaia herself.
Each type of body does a form of this “twisting” and “shifting”. Each experiences shifts and waves of growth across many levels.
On the subtle level, we know this truth from observing geometry in crystalline structures as they form and grow. Sacred geometry also illustrates the inherent nature of change among the relationships of the shapes and solids (e.g. five-pointed stars can “shift” into a pentagons; pentagons can come together in group to form a dodecahedron; vertices of various shapes extend to begin relationships to other angles and shapes; these are a few among many examples).

Additionally, there was a “rooting in” toward the end of the transmission to assist us in maintaining a strong foundation. Keeping grounded is part of staying true to our origin, the center point that we naturally maintain. Throughout the motion, there is always a reference to our center (think core).
An unexpected message from Metatron
As our bodies — energetic as well as physical — go through this twisting, shifting process:
- We acknowledge it
- We accept it
- We recognize it
- We experience it
- We Love it
It’s part of a reconfiguration.
I asked for words from a specific member of the Light Team and received the following:
“Hello from the heart of the galaxy. We are Metatron.
“Do you see how ‘meta’ refers to shifting? Also a point of ‘meet’. All the words are in your language. This all happens concurrently. You have reached the point that this is natural. You’re realizing the part of you that has always changed, that has always thriven through shift and change. It constantly moves and refracts, realigns, and relates to itself. This is for new understanding. Take reassurance from the connection. It may seem disorienting. It is only so from your point of view, which you are learning to expand, leaving behind previous limitations.
“Love yourselves and your many changing facets. Together they serve as One.”
I was thrilled, because I had never heard from Metatron before — in fact, I did not have much knowledge of or previous experience with that particular aspect of the Divine — and was definitely not expecting the message.
P.S. The Light Language audio leads off with a few of minutes of guided breathing. The breathing focus was needed for the channeling of this particular transmission, and since it was necessary for me, I take that as guidance from the Universe that there is a similar need for those who are listening.