This is an audio Light Language transmission I did with the intention of sharing a message of Love and unity following the November 2016 U.S. presidential election, whose results have produced much division, fear, and uncertainty for the future. It is a great resource for any time you’re feeling disconnected from others or fragmented socially. I’ve also created an accompanying Light Language drawing to share some of the frequencies of the transmission visually.
Both are available for free at the links below (hold or right-click to download), and the audio is also available on YouTube in the player above if you prefer that format.
An undeniable message of unity
My Light Team came through during the transmission with the clear message, “You are One in the chamber of your heart.”
No matter whom we may support politically — or whether we even support a particular political figure or system at all — there is an underlying connection among all of us at the heart level. It is what we feel when circumstances bring us to a stranger with whom we have a meaningful conversation; when we exchange smiles or gestures of affection with someone in passing, or when our hearts light up in hearing the sound of another’s voice or words. That connection is there with us always, regardless of whether someone else is physically present. It is often in experiencing the presence of another that we can remember and take notice of this connection.
In any of these situations, those that we connect with could have layer upon layer of opinion and belief that are remarkably different from our own, perhaps even appallingly so in terms of how our mind would judge it. But when those layers are penetrated by the innocence of circumstance, we are able to connect, even if momentarily.
The recent election is a stark message speaking to the great division that currently exists between human brothers and sisters. It has been present long before any political candidate or any country’s election process came to be.
We have each layered on many aspects of this division, and clung to it like armor, in order to be what we think is “right” or “good”, demanding that others also conform to the same standard to be “right” or “good” (and therefore accepted by us and loved as part of us). It’s happening on all sides of the political arena, among all types of people — even those who might unite on the surface to support one candidate or issue — and throughout the world.
Share the Love of your heart space
As my Light Team gave me the words that became the title of this transmission, I was seeing the message conceptually in my mind’s eye as a bird inside a golden pyramid that was superimposed on the heart. I believe this is a reference to a type of energetic configuration that gives us more freedom as we connect with others in a space of Love.
The change to heal the division starts within us.
Expand your connective energy. Open to the part of you that is already connected.
Dwell in the chamber of your heart and share it with others.
The Light Language in the recording will speak to you about this more.
Also, here is a section of another Light Language drawing I did with the same intention that ties into the bird symbol and golden pyramid configuration: