Main themes of the transmission (two are explored further):
- Chi / Greek X
- The color yellow
- Divine feminine as a healer and a caregiver
Ways the transmission is working with us:
- Grounding and anchoring the “lightness” and more subtle nature of the Divine Feminine energy
- Breaking the cycles of old thoughts, beliefs, behavior patterns, expectations — particularly those that are out of alignment with divine masculine-feminine balance
Light Language Keynote #50
The first piece of information I received from the Light Team about this transmission is the Greek letter chi / X. It is perhaps the central figure or main takeaway of what is being brought through to us — the “Keynote within the Keynote”, if you will. They only gave me the letter name, nothing else.
Outside of some letter names and what they look like, I knew little about the Greek alphabet. I really only knew that it, like many other historical alphabets, has hidden meaning ascribed to its letters. I didn’t know any of those, however. Research was in order.
What I learned was fascinating:
More than simply a letter, chi is an occult or mystic symbol of the earth’s connection with galactic cosmology. In fact, there is an association made between the letter’s appearance — the two crossing lines forming the X — and the intersection of the ecliptic and galactic planes.
For those who (like me) aren’t well versed in astronomy:
We’re talking about two cosmic planes that intersect the earth at different angles. One corresponds to the earth’s yearly path around the sun (the ecliptic), and the other is the sun’s path of movement in relationship to the “flat” central band or equator of the galaxy (the galactic). The two planes criss-cross when they meet the sphere of the earth.
Here’s a visual:

While it’s one piece of a much larger puzzle, I now believe the transmission is sharing information with us about the intersection of these two planes as a type of function or structure in the energetic body of the earth and creation. Since each of us is part of creation, including life on the earth, this structure is within all of us. The Light Language is activating us to greater awareness of it.
Additionally, I found this source from Steve Santini to be particularly helpful in understanding.
And going further on the topic of creation and the information in the transmission…
We’re beginning to see what the divine feminine is truly capable of in the body of creation.
I was getting specifically that the transmission is working with us on receiving the divine feminine as a healer, as a caregiver: as a twin and an equal. That part of us is even “singing” (see message below from the Light Team).
The Light Language is supporting a strengthening of the divine feminine and a major shift toward it in the collective.
For us, this is a type of coming into one’s own: the feminine beginning to take flight with great potential to soar.
It’s been an ongoing process, known in the mystery traditions for ages and to those on the spiritual path for some time. But the message to us now is that the transmission is providing an opening to expand our relationship with the divine feminine’s capabilities. We’re recognizing it as inherent to creation and our own life force.
This means support for the changing the way that we relate to and are allowing the divine feminine to Be (notice the capital) with us. Said differently, we’re no longer putting it in a proverbial box or a restricted category. We’re allowing its influence on our lives in a more multi-faceted way.
We’re also anchoring energies that by their nature are “lighter”.
The divine feminine is by nature a “lighter” or more subtle energy. The transmission is assisting us in anchoring it here in our world. It’s providing support for grounding to perceive the more subtle influence. As a whole, we’re more accustomed to the comparatively “heavier” energies of the masculine. So this is a type of paradigm shift. We’re grounding to build and strengthen our relationship with the feminine, that its effect in our world may become more noticeable. This opens us to clearer recognition of its subtleties.
Our bodies and lifestyles are being transformed, too.
Similarly, the out-of-balance connection to masculine energy has had a negative effect on our bodies as well as the ways we’ve become accustomed to using them (=our lifestyles, broadly stated). That is changing. What I get specifically is, “the cycle is complete.” The Light language is providing direct support for changes to take place in our daily rhythms, routines, actions, even expectations and goals. Often these are highly ingrained. For us to make the change, it can be a little like breaking an attachment to a habitual movement (à la hamster wheel) or breaking out of a cage.
Words that the Light Team shared:
“Locked in a cage and spinning takes much getting used to, and that you have done and more: moving your feet, spinning, circling, the [bound kinetic force]. This cycle, almost like your dawn and sunset, rise and fall, going within, moving without — this habit over time develops into a mechanism of its own. Its benefit is limited by the circumstances that created it. With change in the environment that created those circumstances, a new model is derived. You may replay or review the previous model at any time. It Is for as long as you wish, yet binding to it serves nought, as the environmental change has already taken place.
“Move onward. Run new mechanisms, or create new ones to examine or run as you wish. This is the message today: No past mechanism ever binds your creativity. It is a useful archetype whenever you wish but never binding.
“Choose now your most fascinating dream. (Dream is the closest word available.) Move into that dream, and begin to sing it. You may sing in [the] literal sense [of the word] or simply let your life’s actions [be the song].”
A wonderful message of encouragement. Know, too, that we’re already being “unlocked” from any cages or mechanisms that may currently bind us. It’s already happening organically. The transmission simply supports us in the process.
Side note on the chi function (from the beginning of the writing):
The earth has its own celestial plane based on the north and south poles, marked by our equator. Some have interpreted chi as representing the intersection of this plane and the ecliptic. Plato was among them. He called it a crossing of two bands forming the anima mundi or “world soul” (Timaeus, 8.36b and 8.36c, via Wikipedia). This interpretation doesn’t resonate with me as strongly, although I’m sure it’s related. The celestial plane will by default have a role. That is so because of the known magnetism of the poles and the fields surrounding the earth. Christian tradition also honors this celestial alignment in the chi-rho monogram, taken from the first two letters of Greek christos. The monogram was often used as an abbreviation for Christ.