This transmission is talking to us about what creation is — what it is to be ALIVE.
In their explanation to me, the Light Team and my Higher Self began with kundalini energy and eventually led all the way to the temple of creative life force through symbology of the combined ankh and djed (see last section below). It was a wonderful gift to be shown some of the workings of this force and connection.
Light Language Keynote #49
In this Keynote, there’s a lot going on with what we might call microcosms coalescing to form structures.
The formation I saw looked like how hexagons fit together to form what we would call a honeycomb pattern. Yet it wasn’t composed of actual hexagons — the shapes were more elongated and had segments of non-uniform length. The exact geometry of the shapes isn’t important at this juncture. The focus is instead on their nature and interconnectedness.
Inside each shape was a little, miniature world. This is the microcosm.
We can think of this as a single unit, a “cell”, or even as what it’s like when peering into a crystal ball in which light waves intermix and refract to form an image that our senses can perceive. It’s both an individual unit and a collective whole.
I very quickly realized from this that the transmission is sharing information with us on the holographic nature of life — how processes, intelligence, beings, and entire worlds form from this “unit” or microcosm, which in and of itself is all of those things, and beyond.
Oddly enough, I received the word “mammogram” later on related to the formation. It was kind of awkward to me at first, as I didn’t know what that word could have to do with anything. Their analogy was perfect, however, once I let it unfold, and as I sat with the word I began to understand what they were sharing. First was that what I had seen earlier was a type of flattened view, similar to how the mammogram is a flat image of three-dimensional anatomy, which itself is pressed or flattened before the imaging. Second was the interconnected components that form the (female) breast, including various ducts, vessels, and capillaries. The anatomy is not simply a big, uniform mesh of cells laid out only one way. They’re telling us that the microcosm shapes combine to create systems that we can think of as those in our world conducting fluid or substance, like roots of a tree or a river: systems that branch out. In the case of the breast, the systems deliver sustenance for something that is created, i.e. milk for the baby.
We sustain and nourish our life process by grounding and allowing the kundalini flow, which is actually a type of energy (=that we can think of like electrical energy or other forms of power).
The more we commune with the flow, the greater our strength in it becomes. This is in many ways like taking in nutrients to nurture a system. We can compare it to the earth’s biosphere and how it has a process of sustaining itself through various systems, all of them ultimately tying back to energy from the sun. This kundalini flow is a part of the same sustenance. Its power helps keep our life force “in motion” and create our life experience. Think animation here: anima, life force.
The transmission speaks to us of the spiral motion of the driving force for kundalini energy, whose starting point is at our root / base of the spine, root chakra. Then the movement “upward” creates a vortex or whirlwind shape of this energy. Grounding at our starting- or base point is a means of gentle opening to allow the natural spiral motion and flow to take place.
The spiral continues all the way past the top of our physical and spiritual bodies to the crown chakra and beyond.
The caduceus, ankh, and other symbols have been used at different times to represent this powerful life force energy.

Above: anhk, djed and was symbols shown together and overlaying written Light language that I channeled to accompany this Keynote.
A living temple of creative force: Two vibrational signatures unite
Toward the end of the transmission are specific frequencies with information on the ankh and djed in combination, two symbols that we currently associate with ancient Egypt or ancient Khem.
Each symbol represents a type of vibrational signature. These are my own words to describe it — my Guidance did not give me an exact term. The frequencies begin shortly after the 7-minute, 30-second mark in the recording and center around a series of sung syllables moving up and down that are very close in pitch. You’ll be able to recognize this portion easily enough, as most of the tones vary from one another by only about half a step, some even less (more like a quarter), and they sound a bit odd.
The ankh life force and djed “temple” or support component together produce a vital structure, and this structure is how things are alive. It’s how life occurs: how SPIRIT takes the form of LIFE.
The structure can be called a temple of Spirit, a body (broadly speaking), or a host of other names. Ultimately, it’s a home for our Being.
The frequencies contain information related to the four levels in the djed pillar when combined with the ankh creative life force. I was getting that this combination in and of itself is a type of microcosm, and in it is a great deal of power that can be harnessed. (The levels are the four horizontal lines seen in the djed symbol; some interpretations say that these are four columns, each of increasing height and set one in front of the other.)

It then occurred to me: This is why our kundalini flow is something to develop, something that starts slowly and increases with time…and often with much practice. It is super POWERFUL. It is the creative force of the universe (!) flowing in and through us. That’s why we learn to work with it gradually; otherwise, it could be harmful to our physical vessel.
(Sidenote: I had a dream about this energy awhile back, and in the dream it was as though my own kundalini had “flared up” dangerously in the form of an out-of-control burner on a gas stove. I had to “blow it out” in the dream — like you would a match — to keep the flame from overtaking me. And even then all the knobs and controls on the stove were out of wack from the flare-up and had to be quickly adjusted. True story — lol! I love how the Universe communicates with us in dreams 🙂 )
This transmission provides us with very necessary support for the expansion of our kundalini flow and creative life force.
Listen any time you’d like an energetic boost if engaging in related practices, such as breathwork or kundalini yoga, or anytime you’d like to hear more from Spirit on your own relationship with your life force energy.