If you’re like me, recent times of competing narratives and views have been difficult ones for maintaining mental focus. I find that sometimes my ability to concentrate even varies greatly within the same day.
Have no doubt: This lack of focus is a collective phenomenon, not something isolated to you or me or a simple case of brain fog. We’re experiencing an interconnected reaction to massive ascension. Some of the machinations of it don’t make sense as they play out in our 3D world through cycles of action => reaction => confusion => distraction (and sometimes even resulting lethargy). The actions/reactions do not have to be our own, although I will be the first to admit that I’ve been having plenty of feelings and reactions.
If your style of learning and information processing is also outside the norm like mine (lol!) and if you typically require more space or time to concentrate, then collective energies may really be taking you over the top.
This transmission below offers assistance with focus and concentration, helping to calm the mental body as needed, energize the physical body, and support any other areas of improvement that may be appropriate for your individual well-being.
In first making an acknowledgement of your own personal sovereignty, and then releasing it with love and gratitude, I invite you to listen with the intention of allowing improved mental focus for you personally and in our human collective.