A few weeks back I traveled to the Sedona, Arizona, area to assist with Learning the Language of Light — and while there was drawn to channel Light language in …
[Read more...] about Creativity and nourishment from the wind
Sound and Vibrational Therapy with the Language of Light
Filed Under: Creative Energies, Light Language Audio, Uncategorized
A few weeks back I traveled to the Sedona, Arizona, area to assist with Learning the Language of Light — and while there was drawn to channel Light language in …
[Read more...] about Creativity and nourishment from the wind
Filed Under: Creative Energies, Keynote Transmissions, Light Language Audio, Uncategorized
This transmission is working with the spine and the nervous system to change how we've been projecting our reality. It's helping to remove some of the …
Filed Under: Creative Energies, Keynote Transmissions, Light Language Audio, Music and Vibrational Structures, Uncategorized
This transmission is talking to us about what creation is — what it is to be ALIVE.In their explanation to me, the Light Team and my Higher Self began with …
[Read more...] about Driving Force of Creative Energy: Kundalini Spiral, Ankh & Djed in Combination
Filed Under: Creative Energies, Keynote Transmissions, Uncategorized
This is a transmission for us to use when looking ahead and making preparations for what we wish to create. The title I received for it is Future Planning.At …
[Read more...] about Future Planning: New Moon Phase Encapsulated
Filed Under: Creative Energies, Keynote Transmissions, Light Language Audio, Uncategorized
This Keynote transmission carries information to us on the fractal aspect of creation.It's interesting that the realm of creation has been coming up repeatedly …
[Read more...] about Fractal Alignment – Growth Pattern of Interdimensional Creativity
Experience transmissions for specific healing intentions now or receive a personal activation.
"What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whoIe being is music; our mind and our body, the nature in which we live, the nature that has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music. We are close to all this music, and live and move and have our being in music. The mystery of sound is mysticism; the harmony of life is religion. The knowledge of vibrations is metaphysics, the analysis of atoms is science, and their harmonious grouping is art. The rhythm of form is poetry, and the rhythm of sound is music. This shows that music is the art of arts and the science of all sciences; and it contains the fountain of all knowledge within itself."
— Inayat Khan, The Music of Life