A few weeks back I traveled to the Sedona, Arizona, area to assist with Learning the Language of Light — and while there was drawn to channel Light language in two different locations.
I didn’t get long stretches of silence for either transmission, as wind gusts, other noises, even vehicles passing at a distance all did their best to participate in each soundscape. I was using only my phone for the audio.
Even with this being the case, I captured short transmissions in the natural environment of two different areas I was drawn to during my journey. I’m excited to share them. Links below!

Creative Nourishment – Oak Creek area near Page Springs, Arizona
From this transmission I was getting:
- Pig totem: wealth, prosperity, luck, abundance
- Cow totem: fertility, nourishment
- Udders of both animals (lol! it was a bit like an idea of “creative milk”)
- Protection and nourishment for the creative process
- Building something, like a red-brick, adobe wall; bricks from the earth to build something sure and solid
(right-click on button to download or tap and hold)
Song for Kokopelli – Coconino National Forest between Sedona and Cottonwood
- Theme: Fertility and new creativity
- Noteworthy: Wind was with very present the day that I recorded, which you’ll hear (I did my best to cut out the big gusts), and it continued to be with me on the road making my way home a couple of days later. Some of the most exhilarating and health-bringing wind I’ve ever experienced shared itself with me as I drove a winding, two-lane mountain road through Eagle Nest, New Mexico, to the north and east of Taos. It was absolutely amazing. Even with a 12-hour drive still ahead, I stopped briefly to get out of the car and experience it. I almost had a Julie Andrews “The Hills Are Alive…” moment as this particular wind interacted with the environment. The elements and elementals brought such palpable joy.
(right-click on button to download or tap and hold)