My experience with this transmission is that it’s working with us on the inward flow of Source energy. It’s helping us to begin allowing and sustaining this flow as one does when sending air (i.e. wind) through an instrument to play it.
Light Language Keynote #17
I received some specific visuals and sensations with the Light Language:
- A sweep of energy across the body, like a gentle wind or wave
- The indication of energy working with the heart
- A cobra with a green jewel showing on the front of its head, roughly in the third eye area (connection to kundalini energy and vision to the traits of the cobra totem shrouded in a heart frequency)
- Most prominently: the image of an accordion-like instrument.
The body is the instrument, and Spirit is the wind.
The instrument is an analogy from my guidance and Higher Self for how the energy of the Spirit works with the physical body.
I was guided to the bellows of this instrument: how pushing them affects the force of the air flow, as well as the use of the keys for changing the path of air through the instrument depending on the tones you wish to sound or the tune you wish to play. The black and white keys of this instrument also indicate duality as inherent to what is being played and to some of the workings (e.g. there is an “on/off” action to each key).
Remember that your own experience with this transmission may be different from what I’ve described. The Language of Light is always unique for each of us based on our individual perception and what is most appropriate for us to receive at the time of our engaging with it. Be open to any- and everything that Spirit shows you, even if it differs from what I’ve written here 🙂