This is a creative activation for putting sacred ratios and harmonies into effect, to help us bring their frequencies into the world. The Light Language is allowing us to begin working with them more consciously.
Light Language Keynote #43
The transmission starts off with the activation, although the latter is not restricted to that section alone, and then follows with more specific information.
It’s speaking to us of numbers for medicine and healing or what we might call “letters as frequencies”.
The interactions of these combined frequencies create harmonies and functions that were used in ancient temples and practices. We can relate to them as having been used in ancient Egypt, although that’s not the whole story. It goes much further than that; our connection to them is broader than the Earth plane or that one time period.
The activation opens us to be able to use the frequencies creatively, as in, for making new things, for assisting in healings — for dreaming a new idea into form and birthing it into our reality. Their interaction yields a type of creative machine.
The transmission reveals how the frequencies interact in a manner that we can refer to as a machine, which is essentially the idea at work.
The creativity takes place as these frequencies “run” or “go” or “function” together to bring about the creation. Spirit and my Higher Self were showing me a cosmic element that is the fuel for the machine. It’s a form of cosmic light, like the energy of the sun and stars.
Creative vision is part of the process, too, and there’s guidance in the transmission for creating in Love, in a way that’s nurturing to everyone: to you, to other people, to all of us as humanity in general. Operating in Love completely changes the vision for what you/we seek to create, raising the vibration of our creative powers. Whereas we were previously more hands-off, more insulated from the process taking place, we have now changed our nature to be able to integrate ourselves more directly with the creative flow.
The vibrations of our ideas, thoughts, desires are seeded and tended — a bit like their being gathered and focused — and then the creative flow moves them into the reality that we perceive with our known senses, such as the physical body and mental faculties.
There’s a way to store the vibrations through the mechanism of the brain, allowing us to reach them and, in essence, “tune” them in a more conscious way, like how you work the knobs of a machine to guide its operation.
Our curiosity is what keeps the creative vessel in motion. I was seeing this as a fish or an eel or a type of creature that swims in the water with a tail that sways to keep it in motion.