Light Language Keynote #35
This transmission starts with a point of creation and then progresses through an Ascension Building Process.
It’s working with a new energy center that has been activated in us, part of our spiritual body.
This particular center feels to me to be somewhat diamond in shape, almost like a bipyramid, and the color I get for it is a kind of purple-y blue. (It may feel or look different to you.)

Building from a point of creation
The Light team is telling us that this moment of Now is a time like no other. We have a creation point available to us that comes not merely because we’ve turned the calendar to a new month or year or embarked on a new chapter in life but more accurately because we as humankind are in a totally new period of our existence. We’ve done the work to reestablish the connection between us and God/Source. Now we’re “dialing in” to activate and allow that connection. They put it to me as, we now know the way or code to make this connection, like how you know a phone number or a website to connect with a specific resource. The new energy center is shown to us as the place from which we’re actually connecting. (Very exciting!)
And they continue by telling us: We’re seeing this now reflected in our physical bodies. It is manifest in the physical, even if at an extremely small scale. It’s much smaller than microscopic, perhaps closer to the level of subatomic particles (I’m not a scientist and don’t have the exact terminology). It will continue to manifest on more perceptible levels over time. The Light Language speaks of this.
Grounding protocol to enhance the connection
With the stronger connection comes new grounding. To be able to create / build “up” through the body, you have to be grounded. So there’s grounding protocol (my word for it) included in the transmission to help us maintain the connection. When we “dial the phone number”, so to speak, the Light language assists us in grounding to allow the ascension building to take place from our point of creation.
A vessel and royal elephant energy
The energy center can create a vessel in which we navigate and explore. The idea is like a vessel on the Nile, wherein the Nile would be a particular type of life-giving flow that sustains a high and advanced civilization. The vessel would be the way created to travel on that flow.
As we make the new connection, that’s what happens; we begin traveling on the flow.
They gave me the elephant totem as an aspect of the creation point. This powerful symbol relates to some of the drive or the “why” behind the connection. For totems, I typically consult Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, and in this case I believe the message is about accessing ancient wisdom and reuniting a powerful family, i.e. all of us as children of Light/God/The Universe. Andrews says specifically, “If elephant has come to you, prepare to draw upon the most ancient of wisdom and power. You will have an opportunity either to help yourself or others reclaim your most primordial royalty.”
Divine perception through an intermixing of elements
Words shared by the Light team:
“Meeting now is meeting always. Lifting up, we rise with wings of spiral: interwoven fire, ice, and water, as one outreach, one extension of the same perception.”
The “lifting up” they talk about is the ascension process itself taking place throughout humanity. We’re connecting our consciousness in a way that links us back “up” the spiral of Light to our origins (consider the DNA spiral, if easier to visualize).
The “wings” are part of the spiral, like angels’ wings. They consist of distinct components and their states — such as fire, ice, and water — that become one function as they intermix.
This mixing/interweaving is how the perception of God/Source takes place. We as humans are at the tip of that function, so to speak. Our perception is one of the innumerable, interrelated, multidimensional facets of a greater awareness, like pieces of data and subroutines in a “program” creating a means of interface for the One using it. The parts all come together to allow divine perception. God/Source is perceiving itself.