I believe that our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves. This is true of our physical as well as our spiritual bodies, which exist and operate across various interconnected levels.
I chose to make Light Language part of my life and my energy healing modality because of its transformational nature and because I was so drawn to it from the moment I first heard it spoken (and speaking is only one of its forms).
My experience is that vibration can be a catalyst for healing, as it forms the very core of our Being. We receive and release vibrations every day and their effects begin taking shape immediately, whether we realize it or not. When combined with loving intention, vibration creates effects that guide and support our healing.
Accessing Light Language and allowing it to come through us is one way that we’re beginning to interact more consciously with greater levels of awareness. It is such a joy to see this happening.
My calling is to use my voice and the Language of Light to assist others in facilitating their own healing and growth.

Music is central to my connection with the voice and Light Language
Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved the feeling of harmony.
I always sang with my family and did plenty of musical things growing up. When I took violin, my teacher would sometimes indulge me and let me improvise a harmony part as she played the melody. I don’t know how great it sounded — in fact, I imagine it was pretty screechy given my aversion to practicing. Yet doing this gave me great confidence in creating my own part related to a larger musical framework. It’s what I still love creating and what I cultivate in my work of supporting others through vibrational healing. I believe we all have a part to sing.

Singing, toning, and use of instruments with the voice comes pretty naturally to me, even though music was not my formal degree of study. In my vibrational therapy work, you’ll often hear me sing tones that do not match standard tuning and might not even sound all that musical in the traditional sense. It’s all part of the flow. The musical aspects of Light Language are not bound by the rules of music theory or any other method we may currently use on a mental level to relate to the phenomenon of music.
I’ve also experienced noticeable differences in how the voice responds to situations outside of equal temperament tuning, such as when the voice is used in combination with crystal singing bowls or for overtone singing. There are some really fascinating vocal harmonics that come into play. This phenomenon is perhaps more important to sound work and energetic vibrational exchange than working with any specific pitches or tuning frequencies.

A few things about my everyday human self, to conclude (and for fun)
- Favorite spots in nature: The Applegate Valley in southern Oregon; various parts in and surrounding Sedona, Arizona; the shimmering Mediterranean at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in southern France
- Music: Could never name just one song or type, but folk-influenced and singer-songwriter both rank really high with me — also some favorite choral and classical moments on my musical inspiration page
- Books: Stranger in a Strange Land, The Prism of Lyra (and several more on my recommended reading list)
- Earth languages: English (native), French, Italian
- Top movie/entertainment picks: Arrival, Star Trek TNG and most of Voyager
- Guilty pleasure in entertainment: Archer
- Guilty pleasures in food: chocolate hazelnut confections, various baked goods, and/or about any fruit pie with whipped cream
I’m grateful to be connecting with you here and look forward to meeting you.
Many blessings,